Why so quiet? Photo Shoots!

Well here is a first! This site started up for me to share my hiking experiences and my love of photos at the same time (Hike and Click after all). It’s been a little while since I was up a hill, and I’ve certainly not stopped wanting to go hiking, but there is only so much you can squeeze into a week/month/year! So what have I been doing if I’ve not been trudging up and down the Scottish landscape?

Photos, lots and lots of photos – not of the landscape around me though. It’s been all people, lots of people. It’s been great so far, and long may that continue. In the latter half of 2023 I started a weekly evening course at Edinburgh collage for portraits. (All of these photos are my own! When I review them myself it seems odd as years of taking landscapes then these are so different!)

Model Kaja (Insta – https://www.instagram.com/kaja.ffj/ )

The above photo of Kaja who was the first model that I took in a studio, excluding those in the class 🙂 We would test shots and set ups with the rest in the class – but that doesn’t count 😋

If you’ve ever thought about portraits, but perhaps aren’t quite sure then what can I say other than it’s an ideal starting ground. 10 or 12 weeks and you get to try out a studio with a professional photographer teaching you the ropes. In my case I had the privilege of learning from Roslyn Gaunt (https://www.roslyngauntphotography.co.uk/). If you check out the link you can see she’s a very talented photographer.

Last year?

Yes, that was last year so surely I’ll have been hiking by now as it’s mid April 2024. Nope, been learning more with hands on shoots every 2nd week at a local camera club (244 Studios) who arrange models to come in and then you get to do your thing. I can also say that the folk that run 244 Studios in Cowdenbeath (George and Pat Boyd), and also the group of togs (other photographers) are great. Some like myself don’t have much experience with lighting or people and others are very knowledgeable and happy to share what they know.

Jodi – Instagram https://www.instagram.com/deadlyinnocence/


Are you interested in having a photo shoot? Do reach out! While some of the models we take photos off have done it for a while others are not. So whether you want to do modelling or just a private shoot to make some memories of yourself feel free to ask.
The next level for myself is to do some more 1 to 1 shoots where I can be a bit more experimental. Do check out my Instagram page or reach out and enquire.

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