Linn Jaw Falls – Sunny winter day

Gallery of images from Linn Jaw Falls in West Lothian. I’ve yet to find somewhere else in West Lothian that’s got as many watery features for photographing as Linn Jaw does. This place is still a pain in the backside to get to as the bridge is still to be replaced.

If you want to find out how to get here then read this page. That link shows you a map and details on getting to Linn Jaw Falls.

Gallery – Linn Jaw

Full Flickr album for Linn Jaw falls can be seen here


If you do head this way, make sure you have wellies and it’s very slippy to get down. So be careful! Also there are piles of branches and tree bits blocking they way, so you really do need to watch where you go. I certainly wouldn’t be taking my wee kids here yet.

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